Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Overweight issue

Overweight problem usually difficult issue and most asked by people currently having obesity. Becoming fatty is a nightmare fore most specially for people who concern about performance. Self confidence also reduce by this matter. This several step help you controlled your weight.
  1. "I can"--- for the first step make your self believe that you can do it. When obstacle come, try to remember this words, make the people who succeed fight the overweight as your motivator.
  2. Breakfast, the most important thing to start your day, never leave your home without it.  No need to eat heavy food, just take some cereal, banana, yogurt, bread etc. take food who rich with fiber protein so you will be not hungry until lunch time.
  3. take your time to read the food pack. Check how much the calorie contain in the food because this calorie have a lot contribution in adding your weight.
  4. Don't do diet, for short term this way will reduce your weight but if the program stopped your weight will raise again. 
  5. Eat in order. Uniquely the body will reduce your weight when you hungry, this thing is not good for processing your overweight. To avoiding, try to eat with daily eat pattern and make sure your eat schedule is 3 times a day.
  6. Make your self consume a lot of fiber.
  7. Always take a healthy food.
  8. Exercise.
  9. Drink 6 to 8 glass per day.

If you discipline your self, I believe you will get the shape that you wanted.

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